The contents of Kev's bag |
There are so many questions that need answering. What have we forgotten? How are we going to cope with local transport after a 14 hour flight? How are we going to get anything done with our poor Spanish? Where are we going to stay after the first couple of nights? This is all a familiar feeling to us both, but we don't tire of it - the anticipation of the unknown.
The (less organised!) contents of Jo's bag |
It's been great to see everybody over the last few days even if we haven't been able to spend as much time with each of you as we'd have liked. It's very weird to say goodbye to people that you've been seeing so regularly and now won't be seeing again for months.
We hope to publish a couple of times a week on here, so you should probably add it to your RSS feed. We'd love to hear from you as much as possible - while away, we always enjoy hearing what all of you are up to. We look forward to your comments and messages!
Good luck on your travels, hope you two have an awesome year. Congratulations on picking a blog that's not blocked by the company's filter !